The right balance of acid and basal substances in our body is of prime importance to our health and vitality.  The origin of many illnesses  can be found in an imbalance between acid and basal substances in the body.  Many people suffer from too much acidity; this manifests itself mainly in a change of the pH value of the urine, easily measured with a test paper strip.

In medicine, the balance between acid and base is measured using a pH scale with values running from 0 to 14.  The strength of an acid or base is determined using this scale; a pH value of 7 (such as for water) means the tested substance is neutral.  A strong base is indicated by a high number, i.e. with values from 7 upwards; a strong acid is indicated by lower values (from 7 down).

Acids are chemical compounds that react as an acid inside the body and bases if they react as a base.  If acid and basal substances are combined there is neutralising reaction.  Our blood has a normal pH value between 7,35 and 7,45, i.e. slightly base.  The biological balance between acid and base can only move within a very small range; it should stay within this range if our body's vital processes are to function correctly.

Solids, structure and liquids within the body should be free from acids.  Modern excessive eating habits often disturb the balance between acids and bases.  Even if we keep to a well balanced diet, we can suffer from a continuous over-acidity.  The strongest acid producers are meat, sausages, white flour, coffee, sweets and alcohol.  Often the basal storage capacity of the blood is disrupted which means that the acids stay behind in the body.  Acid surroundings are very favourable for uric acid illnesses such as gout, ischias, arthrosis, tensed muscles, osteoporosis, demineralisation, general weakness of the immune and regeneration system and the risk of excess waste product storage in the body tissues.

Many complaints are caused by over-acidity of the body.  If blood and tissues are over-acid for long periods such as ten or twenty years, a breeding ground is formed in which many chronic diseases can originate.  Often an additional supply of mineral basal substances is needed to get rid of old deposits of waste products and to establish an optimum pH value.

Basal mineral herb powders regulate the balance between acids and bases in the body, stimulate kidney activity, dispose of waste products, and improve the rate of dissolution of fat deposits, thus causing a gradual weight loss.  In the case of an over-acid balance, and to reduce, restore or heal an incredible number of complaints and diseases, taking basal mineral herb powder as a food supplement is recommended.



© 2007 - The content on this web site is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. This content is based on scientific studies as well as traditional usage and experience with certain substances which may not be scientifically supported. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. 
Basal Minerals
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