CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is a modified form of the original linolic acid.  Chemically it can be distinguished from ordinary linolic acid in that the double bonds are separated from one another by a single bond.

Part of the CLA taken in by our bodies is used for the manufacture of phospholipides, the structural components required for the renewal of the cell membranes.  Although CLA cannot be called essential in the same way that linolic acid is, nonetheless it is essential for our health because of its manifold action.

CLA is a remarkable substance that has been considered to be the best nutritive substance for the human body by many scientists to date.  CLA can influence the human body in many ways.  Even a small amount can work as an anti-oxydant and so help the body protect its cells.  Quite recently, CLA has been considered to have a beneficial effect on diabetes and arteriosclerosis.

In addition, CLA can have a positive influence on the lowering of fat reserves.  Breaking down fat is probably the result of a larger production of proteins as a result of an increased supply of CLA.  Although the precise working of CLA is still being examined, Norwegian research has shown that there is a distinct reduction of fat reserves when CLA is taken.  It was also shown that fat stored in the body was reduced and the muscle component was increased.

Especially people interested in sport who need great endurance value CLA highly, because in breaking down fat reserves a lot of energy is released which positively influences their performance and muscle formation. That is why it is recommended that CLA is taken on a daily basis as part of a normal diet.







© 2007 - The content on this web site is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. This content is based on scientific studies as well as traditional usage and experience with certain substances which may not be scientifically supported. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. 
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