Pollen is a product that is collected by bees and stored in their hive.  The powder comes from flowers and consists of microscopically small male semen cells; they contain the essential building materials for the cells and thus are the origin of new plant life.  For the bees, pollen is a source of food for their young.  Apart from vegetable hormones, it contains proteins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements.

Propolis is a natural substance that is a mixture of various resins, balsams and etheric oils and is found in the resinous cover of certain foliage and pine trees.  The bees mix this substance with their own body secretions, thus creating a valuable substance with anti-bacterial properties that protect the bees and their hives against infection from viruses and bacteria.

Royal Jelly - in the middle of the 17th century the Dutch zoologist Jan Swammerdam discovered that the larva which was to transform eventually into a queen bee was fed exclusively with a white, jelly-like substance.  This substance, produced in the mandible gland of young bees, he called Royal Jelly - the nutritive juice for the queen bee.  The high value of this nutritive juice is apparent in the fact that the queen larva grows 300-fold in weight within the first five days; the queen gets eventually to be twice the size of a working bee and in summer she lays up to 2,000 eggs a day, double her own weight.  The queen bee lives 4 to 5 years, which is 40 to 50 times as long as a normal bee.

Analysis of the composition has shown that Royal Jelly contains an unusually wide range of amino acids, proteins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, vitaminoids, lipids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, hormone-like substances and other, up till now undiscovered components.  The biological effect of Royal Jelly in humans can be seen as a result of this unique composition.  Its effect consists mainly in stimulating the metabolism of the cells, increasing the oxygen intake and releasing a terrifically high amount of different nutritious matter for the human organism.  It improves and stabilises the general well being, the bodily resistance and the renewal of used energy.  Decreasing vitality, lack of concentration, tiredness during the day, overstraining, nervousness, weakness of skin and tissue are often symptoms of a reduced resistance and lack of energy.

The cure lasts 1 to 3 months, depending on personal requirements.




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Royal Jelly - Propolis - Pollen
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